Wednesday, July 05, 2006

sat- 1st

went for work till 730pm..

then went to orchard mos burger with pei susu dith... i had my spicy mos cheeseburger again... pei dropped the bomb of a tomato into the unsuspecting bag..

walked ard and rushed to take the free shuttle bus to great world city and walked to zouk..

dith collected the free invites to zouk.. the brit poptart party

i love brit rock..
they played a bit of keane.. then we had electrico.. electrico was hhottt! theyre really good.. cute frontman... kinda reminded me of rob thomas of matchbox twenty.. especially the mob of hair.. im now a convert..

we room ard for some time..

poppy and fren nicole joined us for a while..

as well as dith's cute fren huimin..

went out to the back of grand corpthorne and chilled.. pei had a lil much to drink..

then we went back to zouk..

and thats went the party really started... the music was SO GOOD.. hot brit rock!!

danced madly..

drowned in the glorious music

awesome music..

however some joker sprayed some substance and most ppl left the dancefloor... it was damn stupid.. but most returned after a trip to the toilet..

the crowd on the dancefloor can be classified into 3 catergories.. one group watching football.. one group watching football and grooving and last group grooving. feels funny ahah

then we went out again to chill..

then went in to dance again..some rich tall kids joined the dancefloor.. freaking taiwanese china cheena goodlooking dudes and dudettes

went to chill again

then had some water and i had jia jia liang teh at a nearby kopitiam.. and then we went home at 3am...

very satisfied!..very fun!

i take back my words about how i cant stand clubbing..

i still love to dance!


2th sat-

went for work in the afternoon.. afternoon shift is 130 to 1130pm..

had dinner at macs with zheyan and shuling..

had a giggly good time later on.. din had many calls..
it was constant non stop giggling


i pretty much enjoyed work nowadays..
10 more temp staff had joined us and we are a jolly good company of frends..

outta the 14 of us..
jane,debi,zheyan,me, shuhui and zi jia are from sim..

then eric, shuling, li jin are from nus

calvin and eng huat are from ntu..

we are a whole bunch of undergrads..
damn lotsa fun cuz we are from the same age group..

some times we dun get calls and we start doing crazy bo liao stuffs.. runing to the pantry..
play stupid games..

and they are really nice..
when my password was disabled..eng huat and zheyan volunteered to help do my share of work...



met naz after work... she bought a huge bottle of alcohol.. 6 percent only but we finished the bottle.. along with oreos..

at boat quay..

and i started gg mad hehe..
i dropped my book along the bridge.. almost dropped it to the river..

and started to whine.. naz told me i was hilarious..

i cant remember what was it i said..

then we took mrt home..

i dropped off at bishan to buy sometihing..
then i went to take the train to amk.. but due to my blur fuzzy state i stopped at yio chu kang.. damn! and took train back to amk..

when ure drunk.. u do stupid things..



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