Sunday, December 17, 2006


pictures..glimpses.. flashes

i can still remember my first birthday present. Its a box of colour paints.. i got it when i was four. i remember the acrid smell when i opened the wrapper.. and i can vaguely recall how puzzled i was when i uncovered the present... how funny it looked. metal tubes..all the different colours.. i tot it was food.. lol so typical of me..

well.. turned out that all these various tubes of ''food'' were lotsa fun!

i painted and painted and painted.. and drew and drew and that i can paint and paint and paint...

paint, i did..

paint.. on the floor, i did that too..


when i was a little girl.. i made my mommy drew pictures of ppl for me..

until she got

after all these years of fights..

when i recall these stuffs..
that even when my heart was torn and broken and leaden and shredded and numbed and stoned..

when i tink of her.. something pulls at my heartstrings..

i love this entry *sobs
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