Friday, November 03, 2006



somedays.. i have a sudden impulse to cut my hair into a mohawk and turn into a punk, smoke 20 cigs day try all the drugs in the world and drink flaming lamborghinis/absinthe, race cars

no there is nothing wrong with me and neither am i crazy.. i just wonder whats its like to go off into the deep end.. my youth is ending ... somehow with age.. with age comes sensibility, responsibility.. somehow... i cannot just run ard yelling on top of my voice ''mad fuck mad fuck mad fuck ! '' anymore..


this blog is growing old and nasty and mouldy.. i aint got ammo to load it..

but im back with a vengence..



hari raya at naz's was weird..
the food is good.. as usual..
her parents cook smashing good food...

i must ask what rice is that..

and i went to her house days ago for a tok cok girl tok girl gossip session.
her room is absolutely wild!
persian looking carpet..
beautiful leopard print sofa..
blur ceiling with handpainted prints
stars studded ceiling..
KING size bed! (you can spread urself endlessly on the bed)
LOTSA mirrors (like hanteng said elephant can see their full reflection there)
and now a new addition TV..
what she lacks is a refrigerator

its a home within a home! (oohhh ahhhh )

somehow i dunno why but this song kept running thru my head when i was at her house.

Working so hard every night and day
And now we get the pay back
Trying so hard saving up the paper
Now we get to lay back
Champagne kisses hold me in your lap of luxury
I only want to fly first class desires, you're my limousine
So elegant the way we ride, our passion it just multiplies
There's platinum lightning in the sky
Look I'm livin' like a queen
This kind of love is getting expensive
We know how to live baby
We're luxurious like Egyptian cotton
We're so rich in love we're rollin' in cashmere
Got it in fifth gear baby
Diamond in the rough is lookin so sparkly
Working so hard every night and day
And now we get the pay back
Trying so hard saving up the paper
Now we get to lay back
Sugar, honey, sexy baby
When we touch it turns to gold
Sensitive and delicate kinda like a tuberose
You know you are my treasure chest
It's pure perfection when we kiss andYou're my Mr.. I'm your Miss
Gonna be until we're old
This kind of love is getting expensive
We know how to live baby
We're luxurious like Egyptian cotton
Working so hard every night and day
And now we get the pay back
Trying so hard saving up the paper
Now we get to lay back
Cha-ching cha-ching we're loaded and we're not gonna blow it
cha-ching cha-ching we're hooked up with the love cause we grow it
cha-ching cha-ching we got hydroponic love and we're smokin'
cha-ching cha-ching we burn it you and I, we are so lit
We're so rich in love were rollin' in cashmere
Got it in fifth gear baby
Diamond in the rough is lookin' so sparkly
Working so hard every night and day
And now we get the pay back
Trying so hard saving up the paper
Now we get to lay back

-luxurious by gwen stefani..

okay... it felt like a setting for that song.

then hari raya was..

i met a classmate i have not seen since sec four..
shes in smu now.. on that day itself she can only hang ard awhile and then rush off to sch for a project.. GOING BACK TO SCHOOL ON A PUBLIC HOLIDAY????!!!!!!

try to imagine a bunch of ppl thrown together.. all strangers.. and the only common thing we all have is that we all noe naz

there is the sec sch fren(who is me), the online fren, the pri sch fren, the camp fren, the hair fren, the gym fren, the fren's fren.

who all come in a different hours...
outta boredom we socialize.
throw in some magic shows and russell peters and a caucasian girl as well
there was this guy who was really into magic and he was used to walk ard streets of spore.. entertainin ppl b4 army wisked him away to the land of green and boredom..
he did some tricks for us and her caucasian smart prodigy niece too sophisticated nowadays.
even she was stumped.

kinda reminded me of mel and no it was not a good feeling.

all these loser guys who went crazy after a breakup..tsk.. dun try too hard puhleeze it turns ppl off contrary what you think.

sometimes i tink my world is beautiful and sweet and sunshiney.
sometimes i tink not.. with all the accounts from my frens and from my experiences...
and sometimes i say fuck you all.
and i wanna be the superhero to save all these poor souls.
i dream of being in smallville.


hung ard with px recently...

great talk at ngee ann city that wide wide space there..


keep eating recently..
i duno why i crave food nowadays..
every trip to the kopitiam is like a quest. with the reward as MORE food.
even without traveling ard places i still manage to be a foodie.
let me give you an example.

''morning teabreak in sch i had apple bread, veggie pie and donut, then lunch i had botak jones in clementi..sasauge with bacon fat and cheese tonnes of fries and coleslaw.. then i had another teabreak in sch tea with waffles then later on at a meeting for cca i had curry puff and springroll then for dinner i shared with 3 other frens satay, murtabak, sambal kway teow, cheese and mushroom prata and cheese prata... haha.. foodie me yes i am! haha.. coudn walk str8 after that.. ''

thank god i have swimming and picked up tennis again recently...
every saturday at yishun safra..
nice elongated pool..

im definitely taking up salsa come this hols.
no one is stopping me.


sian one job is not enuff.

whats the fastest easiest way to earn money?

ok dun think dirty . im too morally upright for that. think of all the desperate uncles. YUCK.
il rather kill myself.

btw i ve got a fren's fren who is working as a social escort she gets 25 bucks an hour not to mention all the clothes he buy for her when they shop and all the meals.

and she say she they did not do it.
shes just paid to be his companion.

you believe?
i dun.


ktv ktv ktv...
botak jones again after that...


had a tok cok session at ngee ann poly after sch..
had a pina colada at their alumni house.. whoa for 10 bucks it has high alcoholic content.
not bad..
and yet we cant drink inside cuz theres thisbunch of old people singing ktv and they go offkey countless times.
not to mention they are yelling on top of their voices.
so we chilled outside.
but then the food there is not bad too.. beef hor fun.. very tasty.
very full.
then i went back to sch to study! lol


more updates soon.. gotta rush

current earworm : buttons by pussycatdolls.

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