Saturday, September 16, 2006



went out for ktv yesterday... good to see that bunch..

and yet again.. we were reminded again and again to stop singing haha..

jap food that din taste like jap food but it was tasty and reaaallie cheap..

i learnt a whole new lot of chinese songs ... haha

on the way home with zheyan..

we broached on the topic of love and letting go.. one of the universal issues that woman and man all over the world pondered and continue to ponder about, analysed, and felt.

he said he does not understand women ... how its so hard to woo a girl and giving her what she wants without him asking..

well.. there is no right or wrong when it comes to wooing someone you fancy i guess.. for every one is different.. some girls like plenty of attention.. some are repulsed by it and some just.. well.. wanna have fun! haha

its very rare that both parties fall in love with each other at the same time..

there is always an imbalance.. but the balance of the scales can also shift the start and during the relationship...

whether there are results or not.. i guess the most important thing is that you have tried your best ..that's what matters.. so you dun look back with regrets...


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