Friday, August 11, 2006



been a busy week.. and i have kinda temporily abandoned my blog for a while...

now, what have I been up to the past few days..

friday-4th august.. fell sick.. stomach flu.. so i took all kinds of self prescribed medication... so much so i felt intoxicated.. stuffed with chinese medication and western medication.. and it felt so awful at one point i was so weak i can't even change my position in bed... and i cannot lift myself up..tot i was gonna die.. and i missed out on ktv outing and bianca's bday at shangri-la... miserable manz.. lol

sat-5th augustfelt much better and i even went to work.. lol.. weekends at ocbc centre is great.. cuz we got to relax with less authority around..

went swimming with debi and shuling in the morning at yio chu kang swimming pool.. very empty.. which is great.. otherwise it will feel like an obstacle course.. days when there are kids on swimming courses are the worse... they are noisy and they are oblivious to other beings.. and im afriad of accidentally kicking the kids.. so i cant relax.. managed to swim 20 laps.. damn proud of myself.. lol

then went home for a lunch of fish and chips.. then head out again to watch this thriller movie HARD CANDY with peiling..
Its a thought-provoking show.. if you have the time, do watch it.Its intense, powerful and disturbing. There are various social issues involved and it is rather controversial in a sense. However, not everyone can stomach it as it has strong content, but its a fantastic movie. I wouldn't think twice in catching it again.

after that we shopped ard in topshop and fcuk..
bought a bag in Fcuk.. lately i realised im starting to notice bags.. strange but.. more often than not.. i used to spend all my money on food and clothing.. now im starting to fall in love with bags and shoes.. how peculiar .. cuz most girls like to splurge on bags and shoes.. im a late-developer. lol

then went off to shuling's house to play mahjong..

with shuhui kok chuan and debi.. time sped..thats how it is with mahjong..

played till 10 reach home at 1130..

tues 8 aug-
dragged myself up to play tennis with Jinghui and two other of her friends.. both also from SIM, Adriel and Lionel..

at first tot i wasnt gonna to.. cuz my stomach problem came back..

luckily it behaved..
played 2 hours b4 i went off for work..

9th aug

i worked nite shift and had a prolonged dinner at great ambience.. shitty food.. haha
eng huat's pizza baguette had a strong indian flavour. there were chips at the side. we speculated that those were actually bought from little

11 aug-
went for breakfast buffet at delifrance..
the buffet was so-so..

had a chockful of pastries..
now im guilty and i feel like swimming 50 laps to stave off my guilt..


then i watched Adam's Apples with Dith..

It a black comedy.. but it touches on serious issues..
Loved it..

At one point in the movie i was so overwhelmed i cried..

it was heartwarming and somehow it stirs something inside of you..
incredible movie.. i cant describe it appropriately in words..

its a pity it wasn't marketed as frequently as other commercialised films..

makes all the movies currently screened seem shallow..

after that we went HMV and i bought two vcds.. 2 movies that ive been wanting to watch for the longest time..

City of God and Schindler's list..
damn sooper happy cuz it was on sale.. lol
7.95 each..

very satisfied .. :)

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