Tuesday, August 01, 2006



hmm.. sunday 30th

went for another bout of ktv.. very fun.. am inspired to learn chinese songs wahahaha.. english songs are still my kinda thing but the mtvs simply kill my drive to sing..the mtvs of english songs are always so nuttily stewpid cupid and they always portray ugly duckling models and worse still,boring videos of boring places like the bird park or zoo or local shopping malls.. bores me to tears.

so im gonna start checking out fish leong(what kinda english name is that?), stephanie sun and jolin tsai and ah mei and elva siao and s.h.e(act cute)..

so far i only noe.. stephanie's wo bu ai, yan shen..
coco lee's ben nu ren and some jay chou songs..


and again we had to be sent out by the manager..


oh.. and i caught the rock gig..it was a last minute decision... very cute dude.. he asked me to go see/tok to him after the gig... i didn't..

too shy.. heheh

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