Tuesday, August 15, 2006



last saturday.. watched those fireworks.. mu angie and i..

it was breath-taking and awesomely beautiful..
and too short!


like life isn't it? the best moments of life are like fireworks..heartbreakingly beautiful, too rare, too short, too fast over...


5 of my colleagues left the workplace.. i miss them terribly..

for i have grown attached to them over time..

4 came in place of them..
while they are incredibly nice ppl..

and i love meeting new ppl and making new friends.. its never like the former batch.. the pioneer batch of us having fun..

still the new ppl are fun.. and we spent alotta time crapping and luffing ard...

soon im leaving this comfortable workplace.. and the sweet carefree lifestyle that im fond of..

in 2 weeks time..

and its a brave hey there hello to citibank.

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