Tuesday, July 18, 2006



16th -- went nigel's place for bbq.. pretty good place to chill out btw.. very windy.. along with yumin , yvonne, esther, dewei, elton, bernard, nigel..

lotsa chicken wings and unevenly-burnt marshmellows..

i hada resist the urge to jump into the pool though..


work was slack today as usual....... beginning to enjoy it.. cuz im paid and i get to do whatever i want with all the free time in the word....

as usual .. i find some problems with the workplace organisation.. its retarded..

well.. with every job i learnt some..


Ive been walking ard the place testing new eateries.. lotsa hawker fare..

and we have discovered SUBWAY exists here !!

oh yes so i had my turkey melt and their COOKIES!
who wants to choose CHIPS when u can have SUBWAY COOKIES!!

double chocolate chip and m and m cookie.. oh my.. im addicted...

calvin got 3 cookies..

i tink im gonna b like that too..

buy cookies everyday to my workplace..

i am gonna be cookie monster!! *arhm arhm arhm*


just came back 2 hours ago..

went to watch pirates of the carribean!!!!
it was gloriously engaging.. best show since the start of 2006...

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