Saturday, June 17, 2006


happy days are here again

oh yes went out just now..

went to check out my workplace... and scanned ard for special its at raffles place..noe of any nice eateries there? i saw o briens.. but im hesitant.. i dun wanna spent half my money on expensive eateries!

satisfied my craving with cheesecake from big o. irish baileys creme cheesecake with vanilla choc chip ice cream.. hm.. i always feel high with desserts.. anyone who noe i gorgeous dessert places do tell me.. yummy yummy... plus we had calamari rings from chippys... best one ive tasted so far.. its fantastically looooong, lengthy and skinny .. its crispy too! lightly battered and freshly fried.. ooooh my tastebuds were pampered! pampered! *licks lips*

then we were ard marina's.. i got a bag from warehouse with my voucher.. and i reserved a pair of working shoes from U.R.S.. well.. my latest crave is shoeeeeeeeees!


laugh lots with dith and pei after wards.. lotsa funny craps.. to lame to repeat here haha! oh i suddenly miss clubbbing and im gonna start work soon...Mango called to ask me to go but i was already on my way home and im having a splitting headache...

somehow i still preferred solid gold cheesecake from nydc.. its rich!

ah.. i missed tien's live band performance! i must attend the 30 th one!

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